Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the questions we've been asked frequently

Adtional is an advanced advertising platform that connects advertisers with a diverse range of publishers. It operates on a user-friendly interface, allowing advertisers to create, manage, and optimize their ad campaigns effectively. Adtional uses cutting-edge targeting algorithms to ensure your ads reach the right audience.

Adtional supports various ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads. You can choose the format that best suits your campaign goals and target audience.

Getting started with Adtional is simple. Sign up for an account on our website, and once approved, you can log in to the platform. From there, you can create your ad campaigns, set targeting parameters, and launch your ads.

Adtional offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools. You can track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. Our user-friendly dashboard provides real-time insights to help you optimize your campaigns for better results.

Our dedicated support team is available to assist you. You can reach out through our online support portal or contact us via email. We also offer documentation and tutorials to help you navigate the platform effectively.